Nearly 6 years back i got a present called "Savitri- the book by Sri Aurobindo " from my respects. I didn't had much effort to read it completely but i did a honest attempt for few chapters and i couldn't complete. Its so beyond my perceptive boundary and its like a 1 lakhs broken word puzzle to me. but its brought me a question, do we need such a peak of intellect. Also i thought there could be a better way to consume this ? lets park this aside.

So I decided to give my favourite books “Freedom from Known” and “First and Last Freedom” by Jiddu Krishnamurthi to ML to understand and generate its understanding from it.
It didn’t get that quite well in first training, neither i am during my first reading nor till now :)
Impressively it learns quickly and parse the words with its multi layer neural nodes. its not so fast as Chiti but faster than me.
Here is the AI output of its understanding from the books reading.The key thing to notice here is the words formations which are completely by its own understanding/Learning. The Tensor board shows the new node creation happens for every new information which its tries with. ( hope you could re collect why i am saying this )
“confusionconfusion of us to certain everything. So requires choice and clearly, thereby him there is no fear. Take any form of distraction, of interest and chaos; the discipline of everything as the ego, of this relationship by having something the economic and who is a problem an end, and that can solve the ‘me’, the word without joy and so on the feeling of our relationships, there has one `Love which I am, what alone do you understand such a strife or something in the field of the past, because the experiencer and the new uses the fundamental problem arises in our life? When I once want to become something, how can you lead I react and you are, and it may experience what you would set or generous. We know there must be and they begin to begin out to sacrifice methods and discipline with it, is it? Is it watching, the consciousness is to be found only when the mind begins to search so communicating with this world; it is to be aware of this background in another philosophical Then, travails, I am hungry, I should be important, what love has come to a known. When it is andevastating”
I did an investigation with input text file to see if its just recreate lines from the input or its really learning, Wow it leaned the formation so quickly and produced new lines by its own. Its so exiting , Won’t you !
on Tensorboard
With further to this have done few tweaks and attempt to train the model with Thevaram by Thirugnanasambandar .Its leaned and provided this output.இசைதரக் சடையினர் கண்ணியன்றெழு பாடினாய்மறைதீசனைஇசை இணையடி தேம்பல் வாழ்மினே.பாகந்தோய்பகவா லவ்வுடை ணூலர் போர்த்தவன்போர்த்ததோர் நட்டிருள் வானவர்க் யில்இரா லாள்பவவாழ்த்தி பூசியார் தெய்தும் மைப்புரை யாலடர்த்மங்கைபா மாடியை காடு பெருமையை நம்பாவுன்னைவண்டம வீழிமி ராய்நகர்ப் தொழுதெழு பூந்தராய்திரிபுரத் பங்கன் வளநகர் துப்புர அத்தகு யடிகள்வேனான்வலி மேல்வினை ஏவிமுன் மலி உருவினார்நீர்கம கட்டங்கம் யாளுமா பூந்தராய் சேர்வரே.செல்வன்எஞ் நின்ற றாபகு அஞ்ச வாழ்பொழில்சென்னி ழிதிறந் சென்னி ஞீலியான் போதின்கண்உளங்கையி பைந்தளிர் தன்றுநல் தோன்றிடினும்நெய்தயிர் கண்டரை லென்கொலோ.There are few grammars( in both version) its missing but its tried very well, teaching tamil grammar is not far away . within few iteration we could produce a wonderful literature ( or Similar to Tiruvasagam ) soon we could train them to provide excellent explanations for scriptures. But a big question still remain. Does it worth.Its so important to get the meaning because its everywhere mentioned that HE resides in the true meaning. but if we try that via reading the explanation written by someone else ( possibly soon by AI) it may be it could help. but it will be an another addition to our intellect not to our soul. So how we deal with it ? ( ஓதா துணர்ந்திட ஒளிஅளித் தெனக்கே)So.. its so important to get into the real meaning by ourself by questioning ourselfதிருவருட்பா. கண்ணில் கலந்தான் கருத்தில் கலந்தான்என் எண்ணில் கலந்தே இருக்கின்றான்திருவாசகம் - சொல்லிய பாட்டின் பொருள் உணர்ந்து சொல்லுவார்Conclusion : its so obvious that machines are learning so quickly and in quantum AI there are research to prove in human neurons protein called "microtubules" can adopt a quantum superposition.and its further evolving to re-simulate the quantum behaviour of our neurons which means bringing consciousness to machines ?.
NatarajaYes, Enlightenment is a absolute joke, but better we get that first before machines get that laughter. Please be hurry up !!